Přestaňte tunelovat své vlastní životy

přestaňte tunelovat vlastní život

Tento článek bych chtěla věnovat všem ženám, které prožívají nějaké nepříjemné období a neví, jak z něho.

Každá žena chce být šťastná a spokojená. Chce se realizovat, přitom si užívat života a stručně řečeno, chce žít. Po cestě životem se mnohým tento ideál postupně vytrácí a stáváme se tzv. tuneláři.

Ano, tunelujeme si svůj vlastní život. A začínáme vidět jen povinnosti a věci, které ještě musíme udělat. Stávají se z nás výkonné stroje, které žijí ve vlastním tunelu a nevidí téměř nic než tunel.

Plamínek naděje

Taky jsem byla taková tunelářka. Já jsem vlastně nežila, jen jsem přežívala.

Ale přestože jsem jen přežívala, tak někde v sobě jsem cítila nepatrný plamínek. Plamínek života a naděje. A věřte, každá z nás ho má. Je v nás a čeká, aby mohl vzplát. Ten plamínek ale nevyžaduje pro svůj žár žádné palivo, které se běžně používá. Je vyživován životem samotným.

Když ale „tunelaříme“, tak se plamínek přestane vyživovat. A ten pak pomalu zhasíná. Ale věřte, i když jste na samém dně, on tam pořád je a touží po vzplanutí. Jak to ale udělat? A jak vyživovat tento plamínek?

Cest je vždy několik

oslňující čtverecAno, pamatujte. Cest je vždy několik. Asi nejdůležitější je samotné uvědomění si, že jsem na tom opravdu špatně. Prostě si to připusťte a uvědomte. A pak si řekněte, že to tak nechcete. Neřešte, jak se to dá změnit. Jen se rozhodněte, že chcete změnu.

Pokud vám to z nějakého důvodu nejde, tak si udělejte tzv. oslňující čtverec. Je to jedna ze základních metod NLP. Velice ráda ji používám, když se chci cítit lépe a jdou na mě chmurné myšlenky.

Oslňující čtverec a jak na něj?

  1. Nejdříve zavři oči a před sebou si představ čtverec. Asi o velikosti 1×1 metr. Zde na velikosti až tolik nezáleží. Neměl by být moc malý, ale ani velký.
  2. Pak si vybav, jakou má barvu. Barva by měla být spojena s pocity, které chceš mít. Pokud jsi unavená, tak si vybav barvu, která bude symbolizovat energii. Pokud jsi rozrušená, tak barva by měla symbolizovat klid, mír, spokojenost, harmonii, sebelásku, sebevědomí. Prostě s barvou si spojíš pocit, který chceš mít. Pak si představ sebe samotnou, jak stojíš v daném čtverci. A vybavuješ si dané pocity. Jak budeš vypadat? Jak se budeš cítit? Všimni si svého výrazu tváře, svého postoje, jak dýcháš.
  3. Další krok je udržování této představy. A přitom počítej do tří. Až řekneš tři, tak do daného čtverce vstup. Tím vstupuješ do tvého druhého JÁ.
  4. A začni si vědomě užívat pocity, které chceš mít. Vnímej, jak tě naplňuje energie, síla, případně cokoliv, co právě potřebuješ. Plň se tím pocitem.
  5. Po chvíli ze čtverce vystup.
  6. Tento proces vstupování do čtverce proveď několikrát. Alespoň 3x. Pokud budeš chtít, můžeš víckrát.
  7. A teď si už jen otevři oči a užívej si pocitu.

Pokud mám chmurné myšlenky, tak si představuji, jak vše září, jak jsem volná, spokojená a radostná. Tato metoda se dá použít opravdu kdykoliv. Ještě ji ráda používám, když se mi něco nechce dělat. Třeba jít běhat nebo si uvařit něco zdravého. To si představuji nadšení a radost.

nadšení a radost ženy


Další vhodnou metodou je Představa. Tu používám hlavně tehdy, když mě někdo rozčílí. A jak na ni?

  1. Nejdříve si vybav člověka nebo situaci, která tě rozčiluje nebo je ti nepříjemná. Vytvoř si představu této osoby (situace) ve své mysli a všímej si vlastností, které má. Jak je osoba veliká, jak vypadá, jaký má obličej, co říká, kde se nachází. Taky je důležité, zda má představa nějakou barvu. Zda je černobílá nebo barevná.
  2. Až máš představu vytvořenou, tak ji vezmi (třeba v podobě obrázku) a pokud je barevná, tak z ní udělej černobílou představu.
  3. Další krok je zmenšování představy. Zmenšuj ji, až je co nejmenší.
  4. A pak ji odhoď do dálky. Je velice důležité, abys vnímala své pocity. Tím, jak představu vzdaluješ, tak pocit slábne.
  5. Několikrát tuto scénu s odhozením opakuj. A všímej si, jak se mění představa a pocit.

A co dál? Je důležité zjistit, jak tyto metody pomáhají. A to zjistíš velice jednoduše. Stačí si je udělat.

Takže, teď je řada na tobě.

Hanka Havlátová
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    In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, one tool has become indispensable for users navigating the decentralized web – MetaMask. This article explores the intricacies of the MetaMask extension, from its fundamental features to its role in the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).MetaMask is a browser extension that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and a gateway to decentralized applications. It allows users to interact seamlessly with the Ethereum blockchain and other compatible networks.

  59. MetaMask is a browser extension that serves as a bridge between your web browser and the Ethereum blockchain. Its primary purpose is to enable users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) directly from their browsers.In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, one tool has become indispensable for users navigating the decentralized web – MetaMask. This article explores the intricacies of the MetaMask extension, from its fundamental features to its role in the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).MetaMask is a browser extension that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and a gateway to decentralized applications. It allows users to interact seamlessly with the Ethereum blockchain and other compatible networks.

  60. MetaMask is a browser extension that serves as a bridge between your web browser and the Ethereum blockchain. Its primary purpose is to enable users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) directly from their browsers.In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, one tool has become indispensable for users navigating the decentralized web – MetaMask.

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    Setting up a Bitcoin Phantom Wallet is a user-friendly process. Follow our step-by-step guide to create an account securely and implement additional measures to fortify your wallet against potential risks.

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    Dextools: Empower your cryptocurrency trading with our comprehensive suite of analytical and monitoring tools. Real-time charts, market insights, and advanced metrics provide an edge for traders. Track your favorite tokens, identify trends, and make informed decisions. Join a thriving community of crypto enthusiasts. Elevate your trading experience with Dextools.

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    Trezor: Secure your digital assets with Trezor hardware wallets. Visit trezor io/start to initiate a seamless setup process. Safeguard your cryptocurrencies with industry-leading security features. Easy-to-follow instructions ensure hassle-free storage and access. Take control of your crypto journey confidently with Trezor. Protect your investments, access your funds, and enjoy peace of mind.

  79. Netcoins Login napsal:

    To embark on your crypto journey with Netcoins, begin by navigating to the official website. Ensure that you are accessing the site through a secure connection.

  80. The wallet extension keeps track of all your transactions, allowing you to view your complete transaction history at a glance. You can see details such as the date, time, amount, and status of each transaction, giving you full visibility into your financial activity.

  81. With the Magic Eden Wallet Extension, managing your crypto assets has never been easier. Whether you’re sending funds to a friend or checking your portfolio balance, you can do it all with just a few clicks.

  82. The first thing I would suggest you do is ensure that you have successfully installed the complete MetaMask extension file on your browser. For this purpose, you can easily install the updated version of the MetaMask on your browser from the official website. If that does not resolve the issue, try installing an update for your web browser. If you are using Chrome, you can install the Chrome browser update via the official website of Chrome browser.

  83. Metamask Chrome napsal:

    Once you have done this, you have successfully installed the latest version of the MetaMask Chrome extension on your browser. However, if you are unable to follow this process due to any reason, we suggest you first uninstall MetaMask and then install the extension one more time as a fresh MetaMask extension file. Further, you can import the wallet using its Secret Recovery Phrase. 

  84. Occasionally, technical issues on the Capital One website or app may hinder the login process. These glitches could range from server errors to compatibility issues with browsers or devices.

  85. Trezor Login napsal:

    Trezor Login To log in to your Trezor device, connect it to your computer using the USB cable. Then, open the Trezor Wallet interface on your web browser and follow the prompts to enter your PIN on the device.

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    Essential for stakeholders, including game developers, platform providers, and policymakers, to work together to create a safe and inclusive gaming environment for all.

  88. Trezor.io/start napsal:

    With Trezor, begin your Bitcoin adventure safely! Start the simple Trezor hardware wallet setup process at Trezor.io/start. Download the Trezor Suite app on your computer after deciding between the Trezor One and Trezor Model T, your favorite Trezor models. Managing your digital assets is made simple and safe with Trezor Suite. To establish a new wallet or use your recovery seed to restore a current one, simply follow the simple on-screen instructions. Because your recovery seed is your fallback in case of emergencies, protect your valuables by keeping it private. Trezor offers industry-leading security measures that protect your cryptocurrency holdings, giving you peace of mind for all of your cryptocurrency efforts. Go to Trezor.io/start now to begin your path toward safe cryptocurrency management and storage!

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    Wondering if Pelisplus is worth it? Read our honest review to find out about its features, content, and more. Click to learn more!
    Curious about the legality of Pelisplus? Learn all about it here and ensure you’re streaming safely. Click to get informed!

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    Looking for legal streaming options like Cuevana 3? Explore our list of alternatives for safe and enjoyable viewing.

  91. Trezor.io/start napsal:

    La pagina Trezor.io/start funge da punto di partenza per gli utenti che hanno acquistato un portafoglio hardware Trezor e stanno cercando di configurarlo per la prima volta. Il processo di installazione prevede diversi passaggi per garantire la configurazione sicura del dispositivo.

  92. Ledger Live Login Gestisci senza sforzo le tue risorse crittografiche con Ledger Live Login. Accedi in modo sicuro al tuo account per un portafoglio di criptovalute senza soluzione di continuità… Per renderti più semplice la navigazione attraverso lo stack di accesso live del Ledger, abbiamo adottato un approccio

  93. trezor.io/start napsal:

    Trezor is a renowned name in the realm of cryptocurrency security, offering robust hardware wallets designed to safeguard digital assets. At trezor.io/start, users embark on a journey towards fortifying their crypto holdings. By accessing this portal, individuals can initiate the setup process for their Trezor device, ensuring airtight protection for their Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

  94. Guarda Wallet napsal:

    Guarda Wallet is a versatile cryptocurrency wallet providing secure storage and management for various digital assets. With its user-friendly interface and multi-platform support, including desktop, mobile, and web versions, Guarda offers convenient access to your funds anytime, anywhere. It prioritizes security through features like private key encryption and backup options, ensuring the safety of your assets. Guarda also supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, enabling seamless transactions and exchanges within the wallet. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, Guarda Wallet offers a reliable solution for managing your crypto portfolio.

  95. Rabby Wallet – the ultimate digital wallet for secure and convenient online transactions. Say goodbye to carrying multiple cards and hello to simplicity with Rabby Wallet.

  96. Securely store and manage your cryptocurrency with HashPack Wallet. Our advanced features and user-friendly interface make it the perfect choice for all your crypto needs. Try it now!

  97. Take your browsing experience to the next level with Phantom Extension. Our powerful features and customizable options make it the ultimate tool for any internet user. Try it now!

  98. Guarda Wallet napsal:

    Guarda Wallet is a versatile cryptocurrency wallet offering secure storage and easy management of various digital assets. With support for multiple cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others, Guarda provides a user-friendly interface for both beginners and experienced users. It prioritizes security with features like encrypted private keys, backup options, and multi-platform accessibility across desktop, mobile, and web. Guarda Wallet also supports staking and decentralized exchanges, empowering users to engage in various aspects of the crypto ecosystem seamlessly.

  99. venmo login napsal:

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  100. venmo login napsal:

    To transfer money using Venmo You must connect the app with an U.S. bank account, debit card as well as a prepaid debit as well as a credit or debit card. If you’ve received cash and would like to transfer it to Venmo then you’ll need to connect your bank account. Connect a checking account, not a savings account.

  101. Stevenmark napsal:

    Trezor.io/start is your gateway to the world of secure cryptocurrency management. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, this platform offers intuitive tools.

  102. Stevenmark napsal:

    Trezor Suite is an app that lets you manage your crypto assets on your Trezor hardware wallet.

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    MetaMask Login gives users easy access to the fascinating worlds of decentralized finance, new Web3 applications, and non-fungible assets, enabling them to investigate and take advantage of blockchain’s cutting-edge technologies. A seamless and convenient user experience is guaranteed by effective integration with numerous platforms and networks, making MetaMask a reliable partner for anybody navigating the ever-changing cryptocurrency ecosystem.

  104. If you have shared the debit card with a Venmo customer, then you might both be able utilize the debit card via Venmo.

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    I’m so glad I chose Payvantage. The approval process was quick and didn’t require any credit checks. I got the latest Android device without any stress, and the payment plan is very manageable. Payvantage made the entire experience smooth and worry-free. Highly recommend their service!

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    I can’t believe the difference the Well Verti Wellness Pod has made. My skin feels incredibly soft, and my hair looks and feels amazing. The filter is highly effective at removing impurities from the water. The stylish design adds a touch of sophistication to my bathroom, making it both functional and beautiful. This product is definitely worth the investment.

  107. One gift or eGift Card is able to be used on the Ulta Beauty online order. You can however apply multiple Gift Cards or eGift Cards when you purchase an item in the store. As of now, multiple Gift or electronic Gift Cards are not able to be combined to create one.

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  109. Rachel Michael napsal:

    I submitted an application to get the card on 8th August with a seven-day notice. I reached out to Target to ask about the condition of my application. I was advised be able to submit additional documents in order to verify my identity. I was contacted by phone email from Target on the 8th August. It informed me that verification of the address wasn’t sufficient, and that I needed to provide the statement from the bank. On the next day, I called 8/12 to verify that I received my statement. The agent informed me that I had been accepted in the morning, and that I was granted a maximum of $1,000, and that the credit card was issued on the next day. The process took quite a long time, however it was enough !

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    I applied for the card through the shop I was accepted immediately with a $500 amount! I’ve utilized the card and paid for 6 months. Just got an automatic boost in my credit limit up to $1000! The card is incredible. ?

  111. Macy’s Gift Card
    Redeem your voucher online or in-store.
    The Macy’s E-Gift Card can be used to pay with debit and credit cards and also digital currencies like bitcoin cash, bitcoin as well as dogecoin, ethereum ripple or litecoin.

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    At https://beyond-memories.com/, we believe every moment is precious, and every memory deserves to be cherished. Our mission is to transform your most treasured experiences into timeless keepsakes, offering personalized, handcrafted items that hold the power of nostalgia. Whether it’s a family portrait, a cherished quote, or a significant milestone, we bring your memories to life through art, photography, and thoughtful customization. Celebrate the moments that matter most—because with Beyond Memories, you don’t just remember, you relive. Explore our creations and turn your past into a lasting piece of your future.

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    Check balance on Me2You. To check the Gift Card balance and see the history of your transactions over the past 90 days, enter the number that is below the barcode on the reverse on the card. To verify your balance look for the barcode that is located on the reverse of the Me2You Gift Card.


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    The humor in Sprunked is spot-on. There are plenty of funny moments that lighten the mood. The game doesn’t take itself too seriously, which is refreshing. It’s a joy to play and brings a smile to my face every time.

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